Effect of cure accelerator on phase morphology in epoxy/ polysulfone blends 固化促进剂对环氧共混体系相结构的影响
When STW was blended with accelerator M, the cure characteristics was similar to that of accelerator D, and the compound had better physical property. STW与促进剂M并用时,硫化特性与促进剂D相似,胶料有较好的物理机械性能。STW已在船用橡胶护舷中应用,收到较好经济效益和社会效益。
The functions of cure accelerator in synthesizing polyester resin for powder paints with good weatherability are studied. 研究了耐候粉末涂料用聚酯树脂合成中固化促进剂的作用;
Study on Cure Characteristics of DZ/ CZ Binary Accelerator System 促进剂DZ/CZ并用体系硫化特性的研究
Application of New Cure Accelerator HSD 新型橡胶硫化促进剂HSD在氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶中的应用